
  @namespace core/util

  left pad a string with a fill value
  @memberof core/util
  @param str The string to pad
  @param pad The character to pad with
  @param size The tital size the string shall have
  @returns The padded string

export function padLeft(str, pad, size) {
  let out = str;
  while (out.length < size) {
    out = pad + str;
  return out;

  Transform a Date object into a string.
  @memberof core/util
  @param {Date} date The date object
  @returns {string} The resulting date string.

export function getDateString(date) {
  return date.getFullYear() + '-'
    + padLeft(String(date.getUTCMonth() + 1), '0', 2) + '-'
    + padLeft(String(date.getUTCDate()), '0', 2);

  Transform a Date object into an ISO 8601 conformant date string.
  @memberof core/util
  @param {Date} date The date object
  @returns {string} The resulting date string.

export function getISODateString(date) {
  return getDateString(date) + 'T';

  Transform a Date object into an ISO 8601 conformant datetime string.
  @memberof core/util
  @param {Date} date The date object
  @returns {string} The resulting datetime string.

export function getISODateTimeString(date) {
  return getISODateString(date)
    + padLeft(String(date.getUTCHours()), '0', 2) + ':'
    + padLeft(String(date.getUTCMinutes()), '0', 2) + ':'
    + padLeft(String(date.getUTCSeconds()), '0', 2) + 'Z';